Who is Munubug?
Munubug has been painting, drawing, and creating things with her hands and eyes for as long as she can remember. Having lived in 13 different cities on 3 different continents, and being a global nomad of sorts, she is obsessed with cultural and anthropological details. Her paintings reflect this passion. Munubug paints in deliciously vibrant colors of painstakingly mixed watercolors, that she then adds to with pen, ink, acrylic, gouache and touches of metallic and neon. She suspects that she might have OCD because she spends hours researching subject matter and adding as many nuances, details, textures and patterns to her paintings as she possibly can. To her, more is definitely MORE. She aims to always wow you and delight you with her work and she hopes that her paintings and prints will forever contain little discoveries and surprises for you to enjoy. Wallpaper* Magazine once called her work “a seamless amalgam of texture and colour” and you can certainly see this represented in all her paintings too.
Disclaimer 1: Munubug often (but not always) likes referring to herself in the 3rd person. It might be because she has a BFA (SAIC) and an MBA (Chicago Booth) and isn't quite sure what to do with either. Or it might be because she thinks that's what important people need to do - pretend that someone else is taking care of their 'page'. Bear with her please, she means well.
Disclaimer 2: Munubug enjoys eating out of banana leaves, dreaming in Mandarin, stalking with no intent to harm, and moonlighting as a sari-clad street artist. You might spot her on the streets of any crowded metropolis, although she has been known to venture into unpopulated areas. If you see her tripping over herself and bumping into corners, do stop her and say "Hello". She will like that.
Disclaimer 3: This is a work of truth. Names, characters, places and incidents, either are products of Munubug's experiences, or, are stretched slightly to fit her version of reality. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living, absent or in disguise, is deliberate and indisputably true.